Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Best Past Time Ever

The best past time ever:

********DRUM ROLL PLEASE************

People watching.

I could sit and watch people all day long, every day. Not to judge, not to make comments, but just to watch. People are so....interesting.

Take the bus for example. Riding the bus can either be your worst nightmare or the most entertaining thing in the world. Every character out there is on the bus. I challenge you one day on your way home from work or simply when you have time to waste, ride the bus for 10 blocks. See how many characters you can find. Here's some to look for...

The one on phone, but thinks if they yells loud enough, the person on the other end of the line and across town could hear him without the phone.

The one sitting in the back of the bus rocking out to headphones so loud the bus driver can clearly identify the song.

The one reading the newspaper at full spread so to take up two seats with their arms.

The one who stayed up all night so finds it okay to sleep on the bus...and the person next to them. (Ever have a sleeper roll their head onto your shoulder when the bus goes over a bump? So awkward. Even more awkward if you have been the sleeper. LOL)

The one that sits next to you and insists on telling you their life story.

The hippie.

The one who gets on the bus and you can immediately tell is actually on something else.

The one everyone keeps staring at because they are so hot/attractive/pretty/handsome, etc. and they know it...they're just pretending to not notice.

The one that makes awkward noises. We don't know what it is, but it's not normal.

The one that can't find money or their bus pass to get onto the bus, delaying it another two minutes.

The kid that stares at you. It's innocent, yes, but they always stare.

The one that brings their entire Thanksgiving dinner on the bus, smelling up the entire vehicle and making you either want to vomit, or run over to their seat and ask for a bite.

The one the world revolves around.

The inappropriate talker.

The one you are forced to cuddle with during rush hour who probably smelled okay at the beginning of the day, but has definitely been for a run since.

And don't forget the actual bus driver that likes to talk too...they usually have interesting stories though. I once rode the bus in Sydney with a bus driver that had been doing it for so long, he gave historical tours as we drove around. He was hilarious!

Sitting outside in a busy area of the city is just as great and has even more personality. There's always the above listed...and then the mother trying to manage her children, those playing music on buckets to make a buck or two (It always amazes me how good it ends up sounding), people running around late for meetings, the business couple that meets for 10 min for lunch and then rushes back to work, the person that drops mustard on their shirt from eating at the hot dog stand, people tripping, girls turning guys' heads and guys turning girls' heads...and then tripping or running into a wall/pole, seeing people get chased by the police is always entertaining...but then everyone's ears perk up and wants to know what's happening...

oh...and tourists. I have been one many of times, so I know I have looked just as hilarious, but tourists. Pictures pictures pictures pictures. Hey look, a Seattle rock, picture! Hey look, a Seattle person, picture!

It all cracks me up.

Thank goodness I am so easily entertained.

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